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Zawartość dodana przez steve

  1. it's a photo camera
  2. steve

    some translation needed

    well, i did that few times, like destroying 40 mill recycler of another player - and still can't finish this quest or the battle must be on the planet exactly (not moon)?
  3. steve

    some translation needed

    ye, i saw that, 8 uni. as i said, it's too expensive to buy tryt on my current stat 1 more question, please=) Wykonaj atak na co najmniej 1.000.000%. - what this mean? can't finish this =(
  4. steve

    some translation needed

    ye, i read that. in that theme you helped me with translation too current PTE 22, but way to PTE 26 looks sooooo boring... i'm looking some ways to research it faster, but i can't by astaty from my country =( thnx anyway
  5. steve

    some translation needed

    thnx! so expensive packages 80 expeditios 20mill. searchlights each = 3.722 tryt
  6. Hello! can someone help with translation? trying to understand difference of "Zmniejszenie czasu badania o 3 godzin" - "Zmniejszenie czasu badania o 2 dni" this thing reduces the time of technology by 3 hours, so i will research for example "Technologia komputerowa" 3 hours faster (exmpl 24-3=21)?
  7. steve


    I'll never support war and murder, especially in my country, I am not ashamed for this. I sincerely hope you will never know, how it is - real war at homeland, where you leave. and don't advice such a crap, kid i did that, but didn't recieve any e-mail (Raiffeisen Bank Polska for exmpl). so no more options for payment?
  8. steve


    Hello! I have some problems with translation, i'm from Ukraine how i can buy Astaty from my country for example with mastercard ? can someone help? need step by step unstruction=)
  9. steve

    [Poradnik] Ekspedycje

    Thnx guys, but what about fleet clone? does it work?
  10. steve

    [Poradnik] Ekspedycje

    Thnx for answer searchlights can be sent alone right? this universe doesn't have pirates/aliens and the worst thing that can be happen is a losing the entire fleet?
  11. steve

    [Poradnik] Ekspedycje

    Доброго времени суток! русскоговорящих тут нет случайно? плохо понимаю польский, и переводчик не помогает может кто-то посоветовать оптимальный набор флота для експедиций в 8й вселенной? спасибо hello! I'm sorry, but my polish is pure, i can't find some informationcan someone advise the optimal set of fleet for expedition (8 universe) ? ty
  12. steve

    Grosz do grosza

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